Alex 4 - Second Report

David: Ladies and gentlemen’s, welcome to the universe origin´s discussion. Today we are with three persons, whit three different theories, who are going to talk us about this topic.
Well… He is a priest, his name is Carlos. The other one is a peasant, his name is… Andres. And the last one is an astrophysical; his name is Cristian.
Ok, let´s start with Carlos and his theological theory.
Carlos: Good Afternoon. Let me tell you the story of creation. This story is found in the first book of the Bible.
The Bible describes the process of creation in terms of "days".
On the first day God created light.
On the second day God created the "expansion" or "atmosphere" of the earth.
On the third day God made the waters and dry land. They also grew trees and herbs.
On the fourth day God created the sun, moon, and stars.
On the fifth day God created the fish of the sea and the birds flying in the skies.
On the sixth day God created other creatures of the earth and created man.
On the seventh day God rested.
Cristian: Do you think that something so big has been created in such a short time?.
Carlos: Here is a part in the bible says that god is a day of thousand days for us and is our day to day for god mil. You must consider that the bible is full of metaphors.
David: Something else to say, Carlos?.
Carlos: No. nothing else… for now.
David: Ok. Let´s continue whit Cristian, and his Big Bang Theory.
Cristian: Good Afternoon, I´m going to talk you about the big bang´s theory. Ok, At begins had nothing. Big Bang is the origin of all that we know. Before there was not mattery, or dark mattery, energy or dark energy, It all started here.
We cann't understand nothing before Big Bang, but we know what happened because echoes have been present in space.
The most important thing to understand Big Bang is to understand Universe's Expansion. This is evidenced at redshift of the electromagnetic waves reaching us from space.
David: Cristian, can you explain me about that “at the begins had nothing”?
Cristian: This is a very difficult idea to understand and causes much confusion between people who have heard of Big Bang theory. But this is so, until there is evidence before the Big Bang, we haven´t any explanation.
David: Something else?.
Cristian: Yes, I have to clarify that all of scientific theories are published from evidence, and if there is a proof that contradicts it, is totally accepted.
David: well… let´s continue with the last person and his theory.
Andres: Hello, my theory is the next: The universe is a set of atoms, our world is only an atom and all universe is a living. Ourselves are an universe, our atoms are little planets, forming a cycle infinity. Because everyone of our atoms is an universe what contain other worlds, even our planet, creating infinity of universes, but doing what everyone is related.
So if we destroy a single atom, we could exterminate all the known and unknown. Creating the nothing. Luckily the energy can't be destroy, just change. Creating new universes or atoms, it is equal.
In a sentence, my theory is “The universe is the smallest thing in the universe”.
David: some question or some to say to Andres?... Cristian?.
Cristian: I disagree.
David: why?.
Cristian: because it’s a baseless theory like creationist theory, however, both theories are respectable; only that I have to say.
David: And you, Carlos?
Carlos: Nothing to say.
David: This was the discussion. Thanks to the three persons for attending the meeting. Good Bye.

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