Nov 27, 2011

Constellation Ursa Major

This is Ursa Major, also known as the pan, by the resemblance that give its seven main stars. This constellation is located north of the celestial sphere, it serves to locate our geographical north joining the stars opposite the handle of the pan as shown. There are many stories about this constellation, for example, the Chinese saw the car in this asterism of their emperor. In Norse mythology Thor's chariot represented, and one of its star Alcor, Orwandil giant finger that had cut him in battle.

The most popular myth is Greek and says, Callisto was the goddess of hunting and belonged to the retinue of Artemis, so he had taken a vow of chastity obligatory. But Zeus is helplessly in love with her and as I knew that was not going to make or attempt to seduce her case taking the form of Artemis. Zeus and Callisto managed to get pregnant. To avoid all this reached the ears of the jealous wife Hera, Zeus changed Callisto into a bear. But despite everything you hear and control Hera Artemis fired during the hunt a bear. Calisto surprised Artemis taking a bath in the river when he saw her naked belly and asked, she said she had grown and that everything was his fault, even knowing that impersonating Zeus seduced goddess, Artemis, the echo of their courtship. Calisto died for all the intrigue, Zeus to save her son changed Callisto into a bear higher, thus giving immortality. Callisto's son Arcas was given to the Pleiades for what they raised. It is said that Tethys ocean's wife Hera nanny forbade Calisto approaching the sea, he hated what he had cast his goddaughter. Arcas, the son of Zeus and Callisto became king of the Ark, when he died was turned into the constellation of Boötes, the guardian of the bear. Other versions relate it to the Little Dipper.

1 comment:

  1. It really is very little of the stars and constellations, not beyond what the common people know but if a star called "Aldebaran" which is the brightest star in Taurus in fact that was the name of the first electronica account I had.
    (Elizabeth Grajales)
