Alex 4 - First Report

Topic: Universe Origin Theories

What are we going to do?
We will present you an interview to three persons about Universe Origin.
Each one has a different point of view.

  • Introduction: The moderator will do a little introduction about this topic.
  • Presentation: The moderator will introduce each person to the public.
  • Questions about Universe Origin: Moderator
    • Big Bang's Theory
      • Explain...
        • (On the Home page). 
    •  Theological Theory
      • Explain...
        • Contemporary creation  
          Current anti-evolution creationism  
          Unlike traditional creationism, in the most recent creation is also use non-religious foundations from discoveries or knowledge of disciplines within the natural sciences, which are treated as if they were to present evidence against the theory of evolution. There is talk of creationism and "scientific" name given its supporters. However, unlike the natural sciences, this type of creationism does not follow the scientific method and does not produce falsifiable hypotheses. Because of these facts, scientific creationism can not fully meet any of its forms the characteristics of a scientific theory, and therefore the scientific community regarding the issue described only as a pseudo-proposition.  
          Moreover, this type of contemporary art is blurring the distinction between fact evolutionary (kinship and transformation of species over time) and the theory of evolution (modern evolutionary synthesis, or "neo-Darwinism") includes all the term "evolution", "evolution" or "Darwinism" and dismissed as "just a theory" (playing with the double meaning of the word theory in common parlance and in the natural sciences).
          Just try to deny the fact that the theory of evolution is considered one of the largest and strongest current scientific theories, describing a fact about which there is no scientific proof or evidence that refuten.

          My Religious Opinion “like a Father” 
          Here is a part in the bible says that god is a day of thousand days for u.s. and are our day to day for god mil.
          What makes me think that all these big bang theory, the origin of life (oparin theory) and the evolution (darwin) are true, taking note that this has occurred over millions of years which could represent 7 days in which god created the world .
          I want to say that god has made all this possible through 7 days of it, that we may represent thousands and thousands of years.
          Also, you must consider that the bible is full of metaphors, and that the best way to understand the origin of ourselves from this point is seeing.
          A day that god can represent thousands of years to u.s.
    • The Little Theory
      • Explain...
        • The universe is a set of atoms, our world is only an atom and all universe is a living. Ourselves are an universe, our atoms are little planets, forming a cycle infinity. Because everyone of our atoms is an universe what contain other worlds, even our planet, creating infinity of universes, but doing what everyone is related.
          So if we destroy a single atom, we could exterminate all the known and unknown. Creating the nothing. Luckily the energy can't be destroy, just change. Creating new universes or atoms, it is equal.
          In a sentence, my theory is  “The universe is the smallest thing in the universe”.
  • Discussion and Comparison of Theories

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