Aug 25, 2011

Big Bang's Theory

At beggins had nothing. This is an idea very difficult to understand and it cause much confusion between people who have heard about  Big bang's Theory. But this is so.

Big Bang is the origin of all that we know. Before there was not mattery, or dark mattery, energy or dark energy, It all started here.

We cann't understand nothing before Big Bang, but we know what happened because echoes have been present in space.

The most important thing to understand Big Bang is to understand Universe's Expansion. This is evidenced at redshift of the electromagnetic waves reaching us from space.

Redshift: Doppler's Effect of electromagnetic waves

Redshift was discovered by Edwin Powell Hubble when in his observatios he observed that celestial objects sent their electromagnetic radiation but they came to us with a lower frequency, or a redshift. Then he concluded these objects away.

Doppler's Effect confimed Big Bang's Theory 

Then the scientifics deduced: "if everything away from everything at all times, before everything was over with".

So that the universe originated in the Big Bang.


  1. Nice blog.
    I liked the recomended section.
    Nice pictures!
    Where is the first report? Remember it is about your oral final presentation. It has to include a table of contents and what you are going to do in the final presentation.

    Why did you choose this topic?
    Do you believe in the big bang's theory?

  2. You can find the first report in the navigation bar, up, after the title of blog...

  3. I think Big Bang's theory have many things that are unexplained from the point of view of physics as why Big Bang happened, ie, what happened in that specific moment for to ocurr?

    But, between the theories about the origin of the universe, this is the least worst.

  4. is the universe considered a thermodynamically open or closed?

  5. Yesterday, the scientist on Parana hill in Chile discovered a big and special Nebula which the called ried Egg Nebula. the star has a diameter about a thousand times bigger than our Sun and has a distance of about 13,000 light-years from Earth.

    (Catalina Gómez)

  6. The Big Bang theory is the most accepted and one of his justification is one discovery ,the expansion of the universe

    daniel lopez

  7. The big bang theory is the scientific theory about origin of the universe. This version crashes with the religious theory about origin of the humanity. What is the most credible version for you?

  8. For me this is the least wost theory about Origin, this have a lot of defects but this is based in scientific findings, this is not based in superstitions

  9. I like to konw How and Who did discorver this electromagnetic waves?
    (Santiago Londoño)

  10. theories will always have a lot of controversy but I think it is worth demonstrating with real facts and hard evidence with thoughts and superstitions of others.
