Aug 25, 2011

Big Bang's Theory

At beggins had nothing. This is an idea very difficult to understand and it cause much confusion between people who have heard about  Big bang's Theory. But this is so.

Big Bang is the origin of all that we know. Before there was not mattery, or dark mattery, energy or dark energy, It all started here.

We cann't understand nothing before Big Bang, but we know what happened because echoes have been present in space.

The most important thing to understand Big Bang is to understand Universe's Expansion. This is evidenced at redshift of the electromagnetic waves reaching us from space.

Redshift: Doppler's Effect of electromagnetic waves

Redshift was discovered by Edwin Powell Hubble when in his observatios he observed that celestial objects sent their electromagnetic radiation but they came to us with a lower frequency, or a redshift. Then he concluded these objects away.

Doppler's Effect confimed Big Bang's Theory 

Then the scientifics deduced: "if everything away from everything at all times, before everything was over with".

So that the universe originated in the Big Bang.

Aug 24, 2011

DARPA wants to kickstart a plan to send people to another star

We are pretty far off from sending humans to a star other than our own; at least a couple of centuries, scientists think. But it's never too early to start planning.

DARPA is set to hand out $500,000 to an organization dedicated to studying just what it would take to travel to Alpha Centauri or another nearby star. Current projections say that we could get a scientific probe to that star, which is 4.4 light years away, in less than 100 years.
Of course, there's a lot to figure out when planning such an epic, and expensive, voyage. They'll be studying what it would take "organizationally, technically, sociologically and ethically" to make it happen. And once DARPA hands out that half a million, that's all the government wants to put into the project; they're hoping that the private sector will pick up the slack and take it from there. Hey, I hear there's gold in the center of Alpha Centauri! Seems like a sound investment.

Aug 6, 2011

Tsuki no Usagi, the rabbit of the moon

The Japanese see the moon surface image of a rabbit pounding rice with a hammer to prepare mochi (a traditional sweet). This image has a caption:

There is an old pilgrim found one day a monkey, a fox and a hare. The man, elderly, was exhausted by his journey which led him to ask the three animals as a favor, get him some food. The monkey climbed a tree and picked fruit, with great agility fox caught a bird and hare with great regret, he returned empty-handed.

Seeing the old man's sad face and tired, felt guilty. Then he picked up branches and leaves, lit a fire and ran inside to offer herself as food. The old man, moved by the tragic sacrifice of the poor animal, revealed his true identity. He was a deity of great power who collected the remains of the hare and buried on the moon as a monument to his gesture of solidarity.

This story is part of Japanese culture. As a curious note, after narrating usually explained, mainly children, the rabbits jump trying to reach his hero resting on the moon.